Supply chain resume review
Supply chain resume review - Photo Credit to Andrea Piacquadio

Professional Supply Chain Resume Review

Knowing what to put on your resume can be a difficult task. Many colleagues find it difficult to "brag" about their achievements but this is the area where you need to highlight all the great things about yourself and your accomplishments.

After providing these services to my peers, I've decided to help others as well through my own personal business.

I received my Bachelors in Fine Arts, so design and readability is in the forefront of my resume work.

I'm very skilled in writing and crafting resumes that speak to the technical side of Supply Chain; I have over five years experience in the field of Supply Chain along with direct recruiting experience - reviewing hundreds of resumes - so I know a little bit about I'm looking for in selecting candidates.

I've also received my CSCP - Certified Supply Chain professional certification and give some tips and tricks to passing the exam, or evaluating if you should spring for the certification at all.

In my personal experience, located in the Midwest united states, I've negotiated my own salary and positions from Entry level - Hourly at $15/hr - to professional level, starting at $47k up to $80k and rising.

After a while, noticing my upward trajectory, my friends and colleagues within supply chain have sought help to revise their own resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and now I offer these services to the public. I take pride in helping people and would love to give you the tools you need to become more successful within your career in Supply Chain.

All services below are completed by myself directly; no outsourcing.


  • Resume Writing and Design: $200 flat fee; 3 revisions included
  • Supply Chain Career Coaching: $150/hr - 2 virtual 30 min sessions or 1 hour virtual session; can order multiple sessions after the first.
  • Cover Letter Writing and Design: $75 flat fee; 3 revisions
  • LinkedIn Profile Writing and Design: $200 flat fee; 3 revisions - Includes headshot photoshop editing with provided picture.
Prices are subject to change at any time. 

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